First of all, something we looked at a lot is sustainability. We have looked at our impact we have as individuals, then we looked at our impact on the world as a small community and also our impact as a whole globe. We did inactivity that directly relates to sustainability. We did 3 goals, one for ourselves, one for our city (Port Coquitlam), and one for our world. From looking at these certain areas I have seen many more negative impacts than positive, something that should be changed. But we didn’t stop there, now that we were on track about trying to take footsteps in the right direction to environment sustainability, we need the skills to do so. From watching the video “an inconvenient truth” really got me thinking about my personal impact on our word and what I can do to change that. The whole idea about sustainability is preserving our land for years to come and keeping its qualities. There are 3 steps to this. Number 1 is recognizing our impact like when we did the ecological footprint calculator where we found that we have a huge negative impact. Number 2 is looking at ways to improve and change our ways and the third is actually doing so, just like when we completed our personal goals. We did all of these steps when we learned about sustainability from the inconvenient truth video to completing our goals. All of this comes back to the big idea of sustaining our world and we did a lot of in class work on how we can preserve earths qualities.
Interconnectedness, a great part of our learning because we learned how one thing taken from our environment can huge impact on everything else. This also can relate to sustainability, the fact that one persons actions can have a direct impact the world. When doing the cycles of matter activity we learned that one thing can affect a whole cycle because every small thing plays a role into the big picture. Our whole curriculum comes back to the main idea of interconnectedness. Everything we did connects with another, I just gave a few examples. The mind map we just did shows this, how everything we learn is connected and if one thing is removed everything is impacted in some way. The fact that the hydrosphere relates to the atmosphere and that the hydrosphere relates to the biosphere and so on. Interconnectedness shows us that all of the spheres are connected in some way and that they impact each other and rely on one other to function. so over all every single project we did and everything we learn shows a great deal of interconnectedness because it all relates to each other.