Madelaine's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


Rube Goldberg Machine Project

Step 1 (A)
The fan is chemically powered through batteries. It provided the fan with enough energy to move its blades creating a wind force. That force then pushed the light ball off its pedestal causing it to roll down the slide. This energy quickly transitioned from chemical to the mechanical movements of the blade.

Step 2 (B)
The second step of this machine is the ball rolling down the cardboard slope. After the initial push from the force of the fan, the ball is sent down due to gravitational energy and continues to roll due to this and mechanical energy. More of the mechanical energy can be seen once the ball leaves the slide and is rolling on the ground towards our next step.

Step 3 (C)
The third step is when the ball exits the cardboard slide and rolls across the ground. The ball then hits the slinky which is an example of elastic energy. It then bounces downwards and off the step hitting the elevated side of the seesaw.

Step 4 (D)
Step four, the other side of the teetertotter, which the barrel was resting on, is no lifted due to mechanical energy.

Step 5 (E/F)
That barrel that was sent slightly up now returns down and begins to roll down the cardboard ramp mechanically.

Step 6 (G/H)
At the end of the ramp, the barrel continues to roll for a short fraction of time before encountering the dominos. This mechanically initiates the dominos to fall in a downward motion, as a result of gravity, hitting all the dominos.

Step 7 (I)
Once the last domino hits the roll of tape, the roll of tape begins to move mechanically off the resting domino and gravity pulls it to the floor. There it continues to roll for a short distance before colliding into the already moving electric car which was resting on a slight pedestal.

Step 8 (J)
With a nudge, the car is then sent forward with battery power as an example of chemical energy. Along with chemical energy, the car uses mechanical energy to then drive away and pulling the string that is restricting the wrecking ball.

Step 9 (K)
This wrecking ball uses gravitational energy to bump into another string.

Step 10 (L)
Once the other string is hit with the wrecking ball, the wooden block is mechanically yanked from its prior position. Initially, it was holding up a golf ball weighted block but with its removal, the block could now fall due to gravitational energy.

Step 11 (M)
When the button is pressed on the piano it will play a song. This is a type of sound energy. When the button is pressed this displays our final goal. To find a better solution to playing the piano.

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Astronomy Wonder Project

Image result for life cycle of the sun

When the sun ceases to nucleosynthesize and begins to implode, is there any way to power our earth to move away and what would be the implications for this planet?

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Science is Magic Project – Black Snake!


PE Health Unit Responses

With regards to sexual health, how do you plan to be emotionally and physically healthy?

For sexual health it would be important to be prepared emotionally and to be physically healthy. Using any type of protection available such as condoms and even birth control would be the best way to remain physically healthy in this case. Getting routine check ups and taking extra precautions is also a great idea to avoid anything unwanted such as STI’s. Talking to your partner before intercourse would also be wise as it can help not only emotionally but also physically. You should be able to find out if your partner has any STI’s which will help you on your physical health and you can both prepare yourselves emotionally before going ahead. By talking to your partner, you can make sure you are both prepared for the next step, double check you are both healthy and to plan to take the proper precautions. This is the best way to remain physically and emotionally healthy!


How do your choices about contraceptives help you live safely?

              When you choose contraceptives, the right ones can help prevent yourself and your partner from unwanted things such as sexually transmitted infections and even pregnancy. Certain ones are more effective then others such as hormonal suppressants, birth control, and condoms when used properly. Things such as the male condom is much more effective in preventing sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, syphilis and more. By using contraceptives, it can help you live a better, safer and healthier life.


Whole Genome Sequencing

Learn about Whole Genome Sequencing using this video below! Check out the link to find more in depth information on this topic on a pretty cool website!



Data Visualization Core Competency Reflection

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Heart Disease Infographic

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For the Data Visualization project, I chose a data set on heart disease. In the document directly above this paragraph, it features the raw data. As you can tell there are numerous categories with confusing numbers and is quite difficult to process. With just loads of numbers, it doesn’t make sense and it seems like nothing but confusing numbers, so I wanted to find a way to show all this data and numbers about heart disease in a visually appealing manner. I decided on the shape of a heart as the information was about heart disease on the American population. Then from the raw data, I picked 5 categories. Using circles and a small bar graph, I inputted the data and made the shapes as much to scale as possible with the numbers. Once it was all complete the data looks appealing and organized but the information groups seemed a little confusing. To clarify what numbers went with which category, I coloured in the circles of a certain group in a specific colour. All were shades of pink and reds and they were shaded in ombre fashion, from light to dark to create a fun colour pop. It was fun organizing all these confusing numbers into a visually appealing manner because at the end the information was much easier to process and in a much more pleasing form. Overall I am glad that I was able to convey all the information about heart disease in a rather nice looking infographic.

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Humanities Project


Core Compentancy Reflection

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House Hunting Assignment

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