Madelaine's Blog

My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio


Italian Cuisine Video Project – C.C. Reflection

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Speculative Fiction – C.C. Reflection

Below is a copy of my speculative fiction short story written for English. Under that document is a core competency reflection for that story and the process behind creating it.

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Core Competent Canadians

1.) Before this activity, I had used Core Competency Reflections numerous times. I’ve used them in various subjects mostly to reflect on the project or assignment we had to recently complete. Through this, we would look through each competency and see which one the project connected most too and how it has helped our skills in that area grow. After this assignment we did in RAP, it just expanded my knowledge about the Core Competencies and how to apply them to everyday information.

2.) The competencies help us develop more responsibilities, a deeper skill set of critical thinking, personal awareness and much more. This helps us with our everyday school life as it helps us form more enriched and deeper skills. It can help us with future projects like how to approach an essay with a critical approach or how this project could be linked to social responsibility and personal identity. These competencies give us a chance to reflect on what we’ve learned, how we’ve comprehended it and how we can improve ourselves.


Data Visualization Core Competency Reflection

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Core Compentancy Reflection

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The Veldt Summative Assignment – CommunicationCC

The Veldt Assignment – CC Reflection

Above is The Veldt Summative Assignment Communication Core Competency Reflection.

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