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How Does Judgemental Affect Society?

The novel 13 Reasons Why, written by Jay Asher and later adapted into a television series, is about a young woman, Hannah Baker, who takes her own life. In season one, classmate Clay, stumbles upon thirteen tapes which were made by Hannah describing the thirteen reasons why she took her own life. Each tape belonged to a person that had negatively effected Hannah either by bullying, accusing, harassing and even sexually assaulting her. For every untrue accusation, each snarky rumor spread, and each gossip believed another piece of Hannah crumbled. Her classmates soon discover the truth behind Hannah’s death, how each of their individual selfish actions set off a ticking time bomb. Once the truth was exposed, the offenders lives began to collapse, their negative actions now having severe repercussions. Humans can be self-centered, hurting others to save themselves, not realizing their destruction until it’s too late. The series gave insight on how hurtful words and actions from subjective opinions can eventually lead to a negative repercussion to all involved.

[Asher, Jay]のThirteen Reasons Why

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