Innovation Project – Final Post

Media Collaboration While collaborating, each group member had their own strengths in which they contributed to the project. We tried to do most of the work together as a group, but when needed we divided the workload equally so that everyone has responsibilities. We made sure to use our time wisely when collaborating so that […]

Cancer Story – COL

Cancer Story Part One: I am a retnioblast, a type of cell that divides and eventually fills the retina. My host Ethan was in the womb; I was very excited because he was about to reach the time where I would turn into a mature retinal cell and stop dividing. Although I never turned into […]

DNA – Edible Model – Lab

How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another (you will need to research this) DNA is the molecule that hold all of our genetic information. DNA resembles a ladder; the two strands are called chromosomes. Each cell of your body contains two copies of each chromosomes. Chromosomes also carry genes; genes are segments […]

Observing Cells – Lab

1. How can you tell plant cells and animal cells apart (if you only see them under the microscope)?  a) Animal cells resemble round, blotchy like shapes. When observing a animal cell underneath the 400X power, I was able to see the nucleus, cell membrane and the cytoplasm. b) Plant cells resemble more block like shapes. […]

Solution Fluency

Define: Today people are spending huge amounts of money on cellphone, because of the new “advanced technology” that is actually harming our environment. Certain cellphones today carry dangerous chemicals that are not safe. Another disadvantage with cellphones today is the battery usage. People may not have the availability to an electrical outlet to charge their […]

Static Electricity

During our static electricity unit, for me the three most important things I learnt about static electricity are:   -The different laws of static charge, how objects with the same charge repel from each other, objects with like charges attract to each other and charged objects are attracted to neutral objects.  I think this is […]