Core Competencies Reflection – Pre Calculus 12

How has this unit impacted your critical and creative thinking and communication skills?  This unit has challenged me to explore an area of math I have struggled with in the past; however through my newly developed skills reflecting within the core competencies, I believe that I was able to adapt and find ways to make […]

The Crucible Reflection

How has the exploration of “The Crucible,” deepen your understanding of diverse, complex ideas about identity, others, and the world? Through further exploring the many themes of the Crucible, it has allowed me to capture a greater insight into humanities strive for an idealistic societal and emotional rule. For me personally, the main themes that […]

Ballad Poem – Presto

Presto – Ballad Unusual partners often lead to greed As was the case with Bunny and fiend Only one was given credit for their great esteem The pair was unaware about what would be convened   Locked up, the small bunny, trapped indeed Has been working his whole life with no acclaim for he He […]

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald – Themes

Canadian songwriter Gordon Lightfoot’s vignette The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, tells the tragic story of a freighter that sunk in Lake Superior November 10, 1975. Due to unexpected weather conditions and disregard to preparation of the crew, the wreck lead to the death of twenty-nine crew members. Lightfoot’s vignette further explores the themes of […]

The Lottery – reflection

Reflection – The Lottery What is Jackson saying about tradition in this short story? In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery”, the theme of tradition exceeds all else. The village it’s self could be symbolic of tradition, as it is depicted as isolated, encompassed with a tight-knight group of people. This quaintness of this village represents the […]