Pre Calculus – Week 15

This week in Pre Calculus 11 we learned how to solve rational equations. A rational equation is an equation containing a fraction, whose numerator or denominator consist of a polynomial. While learning the lesson in class we discovered that there are multiple ways to solve these equations. My preferred methods are multiplying by a common denominator or using cross multiplication; remember you can only cross multiply if 2 fractions are equivalent to each other (=). I will show one example each for both different methods.

Cross Multiplication: Cross multiply, factor if needed, determine “x” value

\frac{x-1}{x+1} = \frac{2x}{15}


2x(x+1) = 15(x-1)






x=5  x= \frac{3}{2}


Multiplying by a common denominator: find a common denominator, foil, combine like terms, solve x using either factoring (quadratic) or algebraically (linear)

*Note: when multiplying by your common denominator, if both of your fractions already contain one value in your common denominator you do not need to multiply the numerator by that value



Common Denominator = 2x


\frac{2(x) + 8(2)}{2x}\frac{4}{2x}


2x+8 =4






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