Week 5 – Pre Calculus 11

This week we only did one lesson because we had our unit test. The lesson we learnt brings a lot of the stuff we learnt in grade 10 back into our heads. Solving Quadratic Equations, is basically factoring from grade 10 except a bit more difficult. When solving these equations there are a few steps you need to remember… CDPEU

Common – 6x+12 -> 6(x+2)

Difference of squares – binomial x^2 -16 = (x-4)(x+4)

Pattern – x^2 + x + a

Easy – 1x^2

Ugly – ax^2

We also learnt various ways to factor “ugly equations”. One is a box formation for people who are more visual learners and another is a method a friend taught me that I find quite easy called “bottoms up” . I have inserted an example of both methods along with another question I found had a cool method to solving.

Bottoms Up Method

Box Method


Example: When doing the lesson Ms. Burton taught us that if the equation looks like the one below you can replace a section of it with a variable to make it a easy equation. 

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