Change for the better

This quote relates to “The Friday everything changed” because it somewhat symbolizes what Ms. Ralston did. Ms. Ralston may have not been someone with “Great Power” but she did a small deed to show those boys that girls can do everything boys can, in this case play softball. She did this to “Keep the darkness at bay” so that the boy would stop pestering the girls about the idea of them getting the water.

Small acts of kindness are little things you can do to make others happy. There are many small acts of kindness that you can daily for example opening a door for someone, giving a friendly hello to someone, buying somebody a coffee or just simply giving someone a nice complement. Not only will these small acts of kindness make the person feel good but they will make you feel good also.

Lilly Ledbetter is an ordinary person who made change. Lily is an activist who fought against the pay gap between men and women. In 1988 when Lilly retired from her job she sued the company for the huge pay gap.  She won a jury verdict, but the US Supreme Court overturned the jury. Even though she lost the case she still continued to fight for women’s pay rights. In 2009 former president Barak Obama singed a new law of administration : The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

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