COL – Science 9 – Periodic table how I would want it

  My Periodic Table           This is my Periodic table. exactly how I would want it. The element groups are organized much simpler, so it makes

Community Connection Alternate

A place I would like to Volunteer at: CLUB I am in the Port Coquitlam soccer team, I have been for the last 5 years and I’ve played soccer all

Community Connections

          Felicity Johnson Who is Felicity? I am Felicity Johnson, 29 years old, from Penticton, B.C. I majored in Business Management with a specialization in

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Lucas Rock   Science Humaines 9  Mercredi le 11 sept. 2019  Pouvoir      Avant:                                

Introduction Science Humaines 9

1: Mon rèaction initiales de mon class de science avait du rythme rapide et que je ne peux pas conprendre qu’est que Mme. Lo à dire parce que c’ètais la

Rapid Nation

I am exited to be in the Rap that I am in.