Vancouver´s History

  1. Gastown


Gassy Jack bulit a bar and let everyone drink for free who helped him build it.

2. W Cordova Street

At this place the CPR ends.


3. Fort Langley

Fort Langley was the first european development and settlement in this area and beside the Fraser River which made it a main trading post.


4. North Road

Originally a trail connecting New Westminster and Port Moody, now the main border between Burnaby and Coquitlam.


5. Hasting Mill (Alma Street)

Hasting Mill was one of the first businesses developed in the area. All the workers from the mill helped Gassy Jack build his bar.


6.  Hamilton Street

At this corner of Hamilton Street Hamilton began to survey the land for building the city of Vancouver.


7. Stanley Park Seawall

Stanley Park was originally military owned reserve.