Residential Schools

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group


  • I remember speaking it a few times. And yeah, I did get punished. I got physically abused for that, physically.

Means: Whenever they broke any rules they got punished with mostly severe bodily harm and violence

  • I started getting sexually abused from this guy named George Mazinsky

Means: The people who worked for the schools, like teachers or supervisors could sexually abuse or beat the children whenever they wanted to, which caused the children to suffer from severe physical pain, and some of them still suffer from mental pain those abuses caused.


Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

  • I remember speaking it a few times. And yeah, I did get punished. I got physically abused for that, physically.

Means: Whenever they spoke their own language, they got punished (mostly beaten), so they would get rid of their own culture and adapt to the European culture.

  • We had to pray. At that time I knew about the Creator, but in their ways it was different. Everybody was talking about hell and I didn’t even know what was hell, and the devil and all this, and that we were heathens and all this. They say that everybody had sin.

Means: They made the children believe European religion, even though the children did not want to and mostly did not even know what they were talking about.

Math 10 Week 13 Blogpost


In the mind map about chapter 7, which was all about graphs, I divided my thoughts into three main divisions: 1. Equations, 2. Graphs and 3. Values.

We use equations to find values or points, we use graphs to visualize values and we need values in our everyday life, no matter if we count the number of students in the classroom or if we measure how fast we are driving, there are values everywhere.


Battle of Seven Oaks

  • Causes

– political and technological changes increased poverty and hardships for families

-Hudson´s Bay Company extended their region into Northwest Company territory

-The fourth Earl of Selkirk wanted to settle three groups on his lands in British North America who would take lots of land

-Selkirk settlers are going hungry

-MacDonnell created the Pemmican Proclamation that does not allow people to sell pemmican outside the colony- makes buffalo running illegal

-NWC and Metis threaten and harass colonists (stole lifestock and tools, burn crops and houses


  • Components

-NWC stole Pemmican from HBC

-NWC take over forts

-HBC sends Robert Semple to find the Pemmican thieves

-Semple (force of 21 men) meets Cuthbert Grant (Metis)- 65

-no one know who shot first

-Grant and the Metis win

-15 minute battle


  • Consequences

-colonists leave

-Selkirk takes over NWC forts and arrests employees

-Metis now believe that the English had no regard for Metis way of life

-Britain now sees the Metis as savages who need to be civilized

-conflict with two economic systems- Metis will want the Buffalo hunt and the British want agriculture

Battle of Seven Oaks


The picture above shows the Battle of Seven Oaks, where Metis and the English for about fifteen minutes, at Seven Oaks, North of Winnipeg. All that resulted from a number of causes that mostly were connected to the competition between HBC and NWC. The first one of those reasons was that the Hudson´s Bay company ran out of beaver population so they extended their region into the NWC region, which was the first conflict. Also settlers in Selkirk were going hungry due to the Pemmican law and being not allowed to do buffalo running anymore. When the HBC sends Robert Semple to find the Pemmican thieves, he and his delegation, which includes 21 men, run into a group of Metis, which included 65 men and they started fighting. Nobody really knows who shot first, but we do know the battle only lasted for about 15 minutes, which was a very short battle compared to other fights on history. In the picture the Metis are charging at the English, so the picture definitely shows and supports the British perspective, since the British depicted the Metis as savages. The Metis won the battle, so there were some consequences for both the British and Metis. Their image of each other got supported, the Metis were convinced that the British did not have any regards of the Metis lifestyle. The British were even more convinced that the Metis were savages that they had to deal with and that had to be civilized. The battle also created a new conflict, this time it was an economic one: The British wanted an agricultural based economy, while the Metis wanted a Buffalo hunt based economy.

Guiding Questions for Aboriginal Fur Trade

  • Why did First Nations women marry French- Canadian fur traders?

Marriage created a partnership between French-Canadian and First Nations, who could both profit from each others knowledge and technology.

  • Which company (HBC or NWC) would be more likely to be working with the Metis and why?

NWC, because they explored the Northwest and built trading forts, so for the Metis it was more profitable to work with the NWC than the HBC.

  • What is the difference between „Metis“ and „Country Born“?

Metis: French and Aboriginal

Country Born: English and Aboriginal

  • In what ways did the Metis adopt French Culture?

– They spoke french

-each farmer got strips of lands all connected to a river


-big farming industries

  • What role did Metis play in the fur trade?

Make Pemmican and sell Buffalo ropes to feed and supply the fur traders. All in all they were responsible for hunting Buffalo.


  • Explain how the Buffalo hunt required skill?

They had to hold their guns, load the gun with gunpowder, aim, shoot and ride the horse at the same time.