Why did the rebellion 1837 fail?

On the first page the author said that they had to organize themselves, so they were not really organized or coordinated.

In line 13 on the second page he said they had rifles and guns of various kinds and some of them were old, so their equipment was not really good. Also eventually some of their rifles might not be effective and that could make them easier to attack. Just after that, in line 14/15 he said when they had to reload their guns, they did not „step aside to make from for those behind“, but stayed where they were so those behind them who were ready to fire could not shoot because their teammates were in the way. In the same lines he says their coordination was that bad that they could more likely die from one of their teammate´s guns than an enemy´s gun.


Later, on page 3 he says that people who heard the firing and saw people fall to the ground ran away as fast as they could, so even their own people and possible support ran away and left the warriors behind.

One thought on “Why did the rebellion 1837 fail?

  1. Try to create an opening or concluding sentence that can tie these facts together into one main reason they failed. Also, if you can find evidence from each of the sources, that would strengthen your argument.

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