According to the text women back in the 1800´s were crucial for the familiy´s survival. But they were still just objects ad not humans. Women were traded between fur traders and FN or Metis to get each others help. Both had benefits, so to get the other´s benefits, FN women had to marry a fur traders, so the FN family had access to the forts and posts of the fur traders and the fur traders could learn how to survive, navigate and live in the region, especially when it was cold and snowy. Today, it is not allowed to trade women. They can decide who they marry and mostly it is the person they love. If they marry does not depend on survival skills anymore. The wife could be the one in the family who earns money and the man cares for the household and children, which would have been impossible in the 1800´s. Even though it is still common in society that men work, and men get the good positions in their jobs and usually get paid more, evem in the same position, but women have the chance to work in a job they want to outside the household.