Digital footprint

Your digital footprint is the trail that you leave behind as you wander through the internet. Posts and comments that you make on social media can be almost instantly traced back to you. Digital information can not be destroyed, so you need to learn how to keep your digital footprint safe, secure, and clean.

Anything you post today on the internet will become your internet history and it will show up in your future. This can compromise any plans you have in the future.

There are ways to keep your digital footprint safe, secure, and clean. here are 4 tips to keep your digital footprint safe:

  1. Think before you post or comment on the internet

If you post something on the internet you want to make sure the your post is appropriate and true.

  1. Do not share your login information

if you share your login info with anyone the chance of your account getting hijacked is high. Using a using two truth authentication is your best bet on keeping your account safe.

  1. have different emails for different purposes

have an email for business, online shopping, and social media. If your social media email gets compromised then your business and online shopping is safe

  1. keep your location off

you keep your location off so you are not traceable when you take videos or pictures

takeaway: protect yourself and others when posting.