What I learned this week (Polynomials)

I learned FOIL (First, outer, inner, last)

FOIL is a way to multiply binomials and utilize the distributive property.

Take this expression for example: (4x + 3)(2x + 5)

The F is for first, which is multiplying the first term in each binomial.

4x \cdot 2x = 8x^2

The O is for outer, which is multiplying the outer or the first and last terms of the whole equation.

4x \cdot 5 = 20x

The I is for inner, which is multiplying the inner or the second and third terms of the whole equation.

3 \cdot 2x = 6x

The L is for last, which is multiplying the last term in each binomial.

3 \cdot 5 = 15

You will then have each of those in an addition expression.

8x^2 + 20x + 6x + 15

Simplify where you can.

8x^2 + 26x + 15

That is the process of FOIL, which is an easy way to understand and use the distributive property with binomials.



This method is known as “The Ladder Method”

Take two numbers, (i.e. 216 and 144) and put them on an “L” shape


Now, on the left of the “L”, divide the two numbers by the lowest prime factor


Write the quotients below, and do the same for them


Repeat the process until you have two prime numbers left


To find the LCM (432), multiply all of the numbers on the outside and bottom of the ladder


To find the GCF (72), multiply only the left outside of the ladder



I prefer the method of finding the LCM and GCF with prime factorization through the division table.