What it means to be human…

Humans need to be able to communicate.

Humans need to interact with others.

Humans need to express their emotions.

Humans look for happiness.

Humans like to help others in need.

Humans like to communicate in order to share and gain knowledge.

Humans need each other to support

Humans are violent and cruel and greedy.

Humans hurt other populations because humans are discriminatory.

Humans sometimes need revenge.

Humans are sympathetic and can share.

Humans are oblivious when it’s not happening to us.

Humans can be united by the simplest of things such as dancing.

Humans can find joy.

The novel A Game of Thrones is one of my favourite books because it teaches you that life can change at any moment, and you never know what to expect. The book is set on the fictional continent of Westeros, taking place in a medieval fantasy world. In this book, it follows the perspectives of several characters as they navigate the politics, conflicts, and wars of their kingdom. The story teaches you that you must adapt to changing events if you wish to succeed or prosper in life, as those that are stubborn in their ways and lifestyles will fall behind or be taken by surprise.