The Weekly Wazrik
Human Youth Studies Article
Greetings, readers. As you may know, I, the reporter Erthoo Umba, recently went undercover to the human planet of Earth to study their youth, and I must say that my findings did not disappoint. It was interesting to see how different they were from the other human stages of growth.
First, I decided to go to a main hub of youth activity under the alias of “John Smith”, to what the humans call “school”, specifically Riverside, which I believe is the name of an animal life form on Earth.
At this “school”, the students would move along through different study rooms learning different things, but in between these studies, they had an open space for free time, or “lunch” as they called it. Some study rooms gave out “homework”, assignments and tasks that the students were to do in their free time. After a bit of research and observation, I found this was a big stressor for most of the human youth, as they found it difficult to balance social life and this “homework”.
I decided to look more into their stress, and found that lots of their stress related to social life or status, which seems very dominant in the human youth culture. Most of their actions, decisions, and relationships are at least somewhat based off of social status or popularity. What they wear, what they say, how they act, and who they interact with. They even had their own strange language I could not understand, with one human commenting on a location as “sick”, when we all know only life forms contract illness. Combined with the “homework”, I could see why they were in stress when they worried about such futile topics. Some of the humans could not handle this stress as well as others, and turned to substances known as “alcohol” and “drugs”, which gave the user relief when consumed.
I knew I couldn’t come back with just this, so I decided to infiltrate a human “party”, which was a gathering of fun and enjoyment. I found the details of one, and went to it that night. As I arrived, I heard loud “music”, which is a compilation of sounds similar to our varillix. When I entered the residency of the humans where the “party” was taking place, I found that many of them had the “alcohol” I mentioned early. After some interviews, I found that many did it only to fit in, as they wouldn’t be “cool”, unless they followed everyone else. One human even said “I don’t really wanna be here, but everyone else is, so I should too.” Which puzzled me as the human youth seemed almost robbed of their free will.
The next day, I began my trip home, and let me say, I felt very confused that day. The human youth were so strange, concerned so much on what others thought, that they gave up their own identities.
This is Erthoo Umba, signing off. I hope the article has brought enjoyment.
(A momentframe I took at the party)