What it means to be human…

Humans need to be able to communicate.

Humans need to interact with others.

Humans need to express their emotions.

Humans look for happiness.

Humans like to help others in need.

Humans like to communicate in order to share and gain knowledge.

Humans need each other to support

Humans are violent and cruel and greedy.

Humans hurt other populations because humans are discriminatory.

Humans sometimes need revenge.

Humans are sympathetic and can share.

Humans are oblivious when it’s not happening to us.

Humans can be united by the simplest of things such as dancing.

Humans can find joy.

The novel A Game of Thrones is one of my favourite books because it teaches you that life can change at any moment, and you never know what to expect. The book is set on the fictional continent of Westeros, taking place in a medieval fantasy world. In this book, it follows the perspectives of several characters as they navigate the politics, conflicts, and wars of their kingdom. The story teaches you that you must adapt to changing events if you wish to succeed or prosper in life, as those that are stubborn in their ways and lifestyles will fall behind or be taken by surprise.


a. Qu’est-ce que c’est la tarte au sucre? – A sugary pie.
b. Quels sont les ingredients pour la tarte au sucre? – Flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, shortening, lemon juice, and vanilla.
c. D’où vient le bonhomme? – Quebec
d. Où est-ce qu’on célèbre le Carnaval d’Hiver? – Quebec
e. Quels sont les ingredients pour les trufffes au chocolat? – Chocolate chips, skor bits, and heavy cream.


La nourriture est poutine. Logan n’aime pas manger poutine.


Les truffes au chocolat sont doux. Matthew aime beaucoup les truffes au chocolat.


Matthew est avec la soupe aux pois. Le soupe aux pois semble brut.


Bonhomme porte un chapeau rouge. Nick a peur de Bonhomme.


Les tartes au sucre sont trés doux. Josh aime goûter les tartes au sucre.

Logan, Nick, et Josh dansent.

Nick peut danser très bien.



Our experience at Carnaval was pretty fun. Our favourite room was obviously the Just Dance room. The best stand was probably the tartes au sucre stand as it was pretty neat and presented itself well. The most unusual food we saw was probably the tartes au sucre. We didn’t try much food except for the chocolate truffles which were pretty good.

Athlète/Artiste – Absolument Admirable

James Harden

James Harden joue au basket.

James Harden est un meneur pour la Fusées de Houston.



Il a 26 ans.

Il joue pour l’équipe olympique de USA.

Sa équipe n’est pas bons actuellement, mais James est tres bon.

Il gagne beaucoup de trophées.

Son tirs n’est pas coup raté.

Il aime beaucoup de basket.

Sa barbe est fameux beaucoup aussi.

Sa famille contenit sa mère, son père, et son frère.


New France Document Gallery

Champlain and Quebec:

A drawing of the habitation at Quebec by Champlain himself. Source: Crossroads page 21


A portrait of Champlain. Source


A drawing of a battle of the Iroquois against the French and the Algonquin that took place in 1609, done by Champlain himself. Source


A map of New France done by Champlain in 1612. Source


The Jesuits and Huron

A Jesuit interacting with a Native. Source


A Jesuit teaching the Huron. Source



Two Jesuits about to be burnt by boiling water and flayed by the Iroquois. Source


Royal Government


The Sovereign Council of New France. Source


Jean Talon, the intendant, visiting some habitants. Source


The Filles du Rois coming to Quebec. Source


Coureurs de bois

A coureur de bois arriving at a Native Camp. Source



A manor house on a seigneury. Source


A habitant house. Source


Habitant houses on a seigneury. Source


French vs. English- Fur trade and fishing

The French trading with Natives. Source


A french boat in the St. Lawrence. Source


Seven Years War

The Death of General Wolfe at the Plains of Abraham. Source


The Battle of the Plains of Abraham. http://www.ameriquefrancaise.org/en/article-313/Plains_of_Abraham.html

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Source


A burning British ship at the siege of Louisbourg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Louisbourg_%281758%29

A burning British ship at the siege of Louisbourg. Source

Edible DNA Model

double helix

In Science we made a DNA double helix out of licorice, marshmallows, and toothpicks, making it mostly edible.

The marshmallows are the nitrogenous bases, the licorice is the DNA backbone, and the toothpicks are what connect the nitrogenous bases. The colours are not random, they are complementary pairs, just like actual DNA.

My Day at my Dad’s Work

My day at my Dad’s Work was pretty fun. I got to see a lot of what he did, which was pretty complicated, but still cool. We also got lunch at Fatburger, which was pretty good. It was an awesome day.


Just a small amount of the numbers on my dad’s computer at work. And no, it’s not normally on its side. (Stupid picture)


My Science App Review

For my Science App Review, I reviewed Periodic Table (by Socratica).


The main menu

The questions I asked were:

Is it easy to use, does it relate to what we’re learning, does it teach you a lot, does it teach you well, is it good quality, and is it reliable and a good source of information?

The main menu

What the app does:


Their periodic table

It teaches you about the periodic table and atomic theory. You can learn randomly about elements, look at a periodic table, search up elements, quiz yourself on elements, and even get some chemistry video lessons.

I found it pretty straightforward and easy to use. It could really help a lot to anyone learning or studying elements and the periodic table. It teaches you a crazy amount of stuff about each element, like down to really specific things your teacher would probably not even ask you for. It’s pretty good quality, although there are 5-second ads you have to sit through occasionally. The information is pretty accurate and detailed. The app is pretty good, and I would give it a solid 9/10.

What I learned:


Just a small part of what you can learn about any element.

I learned the names of elements I barely knew existed, and learned a lot more defining properties of atoms, things like a CAS number, Vickers hardness, and Van der waals radius. Crazy stuff, but pretty cool.