New France Document Gallery

Champlain and Quebec:

A drawing of the habitation at Quebec by Champlain himself. Source: Crossroads page 21


A portrait of Champlain. Source


A drawing of a battle of the Iroquois against the French and the Algonquin that took place in 1609, done by Champlain himself. Source


A map of New France done by Champlain in 1612. Source


The Jesuits and Huron

A Jesuit interacting with a Native. Source


A Jesuit teaching the Huron. Source



Two Jesuits about to be burnt by boiling water and flayed by the Iroquois. Source


Royal Government


The Sovereign Council of New France. Source


Jean Talon, the intendant, visiting some habitants. Source


The Filles du Rois coming to Quebec. Source


Coureurs de bois

A coureur de bois arriving at a Native Camp. Source



A manor house on a seigneury. Source


A habitant house. Source


Habitant houses on a seigneury. Source


French vs. English- Fur trade and fishing

The French trading with Natives. Source


A french boat in the St. Lawrence. Source


Seven Years War

The Death of General Wolfe at the Plains of Abraham. Source


The Battle of the Plains of Abraham.

The Battle of the Plains of Abraham. Source


A burning British ship at the siege of Louisbourg.

A burning British ship at the siege of Louisbourg. Source