![Innovation Final Post](https://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/loganr2016/files/2017/06/IMG_2133-2cqw4t8.jpg)
Innovation Final Post
2) Core Competency (Personal Responsibility skill): A) Presever with challenging tasks. I Preseverd through calleng tasks by staying on… read more
2) Core Competency (Personal Responsibility skill): A) Presever with challenging tasks. I Preseverd through calleng tasks by staying on… read more
4/25/2017 Dear Diary, I’ve never written to you before but I’m being to worry that my time is coming to… read more
I didn’t get this question rong but I struggled with it for a long time trying to understand… read more
The instructions to building a mashmallow DNA model. The ingredients that we used to make are DNA model. This is… read more
This is the skin of a Red Onion under a microscope. To me it looks like a planet or scales…. read more
Have you ever wanted yous your device but it is charging in an uncomfortable position making it not worth the… read more
In science 9 we’ve been learning about Static electric and the affects it has on us as we’ll as the… read more
Gold Rush Hi https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/personal/132-lrusnak_sd43_bc_ca/Documents/Notebooks/BC%20gold%20rush.pptx?Web=1
What I enjoyed about Bard On The Beach and how they went about teaching it. I found that they… read more