Dear Jim Smith
This is your loving, supporting wife Christine, How I miss you. Things have changed a lot since you’ve left. Women have begun to work in men’s jobs and food costs a fortune. Canada is also in a lot of debt. I heard from Susie Thompson that we are now borrowing money from the United States. Another big change is the new law. The War Measures Act. As if the government needs more power over the people. Also they are taking people away and throwing them into Interment camp. Why just last week pore Agnes Twine was dragged right out of her home just because she was a German. They already were making her carry an ID card. I hope she is alright, I can’t imagine that nice thing being in an Interment camp, she wouldn’t even kill a fly. I don’t know, it’s not right. I feel like this War is destroying Canada from the inside out. On one day we are throwing are neighbours in jail, the next we are putting up posters to get mothers to deliver their children in to the open mouth of war. It’s so inhumane to think that we were excited about war. I figure that we could have never anticipated such death and destruction. Crazy to think that it would have been over by Christmas. This is enough talk about me. My problems and concerns are nothing compared to yours. How are you? Are you still in the trenches? I wish I could support you more. I just feel so helpless and useless. I’m thinking about becoming a nurses. I want to help and if I can’t by fighting then I’m going to try by saving. I just wish this war was over and you could come home. I just hate how it’s effecting the world. Do not lose hope my love, stay strong and trust in the lord.
I love you with all my heart for ever and ever, stay safe.
From your loving wife.
Christine Smith.