Using coloured marshmallows, licorice, and toothpicks I made a model of DNA, more specifically a double helix. A double helix is made up of many different parts. The licorice is representing the back bonus were the marshmallows will be the bases. There are four different types of bases. Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G). DNA is like a puzzle or magnet were only specific pieces or sides will want to go together. A only wants to go with T, were as C only wants to go with G. A good way to remember this is (A)pple in (T)ree and (C)ar in (G)arage. I built my double helix using Sequence 1. Which is T A C G T A T G A A A C, which means on the other half it is A T G C A T A C T T T C.
(The bottom right picture was found at on Feb. 14, 2018 at 5:27pm