First Peoples Principles of Learning

First Peoples and their principles of learning are quite important because all their principles are there so you can succeed. They have four principles (which are not all of them) so that you can succeed in life on your own, which are generosity, independence, mastery, and belonging. This principles are there so that later in…

Émission #3 – Le Retour

Voyage par oreille En nous écoutant, vous allez prendre une vacance de nos baladodiffusions seulement par vos oreilles! Nous allons vous raconter deux histoires magnifiques et nous espérons que vous les aimez! — Le Retour Cette émission, nous allons vous raconter une série dérivée de notre dernière baladodiffusion voyage par la route: partie deux, le…

Mutation Story

Spinal Muscular Atrophy SMA Mutation Story: Hello, I’m the SMN1 gene on chromosome 5, there’s a defect with my gene, and with this mutation I create deficiencies in the motor neuron protein called SMN (Survival of Motor Neuron.) But with my friend the SMN2 gene, he chooses/modifies the severity of the mutation for spinal muscular…