
What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this year? This year I learned how to communicate my opinions, ideas, and thoughts about technology towards others to better this school as a whole and create a better learning environment. Recently, Tech Team has to plan the Digital Bootcamp each year and…

Tech Team Edublog

Widgets: What Widgets and Plugins did you choose? I chose a couple widgets but the main ones I was proud to find were the widgets for the sidebar which were the, Edublog search/Google search engines, a tag cloud, and a recent posts tabs. What are there strengths? I believe all these widgets have their own…

Tech Team Passion Project

Support Team: Description of your new and improved idea: The ideas of the support team are to provide tech support to anyone who needs it, inform others such as, students, visitors, parents, etc. about technology, the 1:1 program, Edublogs, and Office365. To offer easier access and knowledge for/about technology, enforce the idea of how teachers…