Reflection of how fake Facebook accounts affects me:
This article is about using social media – to be exact Facebook – and creating fake accounts, under false names, and photos. These accounts are then used to influence others and create debates/opinions. Since the accounts are on such a big social media platform many people can be influenced to change their opinions without even knowing it. After reading this article it dawned upon me how our generation is so dependent on social media that it can take advantage of us if we aren’t taking the necessary precautions. I believe teenagers nowadays tend to believe anything they’re told or shown so they can fit in with the crowd, and with this as the mental state of our generation it is quite easy to manipulate ourselves when we just do things without thinking about it. Technology and social media is such a strong influence on people these days that we can make a living off of posting photos, making videos, or even just tweeting; and, with all these new ways consumers are made to fall for whatever is being said. When the fake accounts decide to take charge and criticize people or even “voice” their thoughts it’s a way of showing people if I can do this, so can you, so why shouldn’t you? This is just a new way of trying to get the result you want by not showing your face or your real name.
Reflection of how fake finding family reposts needed affects me:
After reading this article, I realised how such a tragic event can be taken advantage of for wanting retweets, likes, or even just plain attention. This article really showed me how some people use social media for the wrong reason, since in this article it talked about the Manchester bombing and people asking to retweet to find family members. In a way this is very disrespectful because this touched so many people and affect/altered their lives and you – trying to get attention, are just taking this so lightly. Personally, if I saw a post asking for help to find a family member I would feel terrible that their family is going through this and, if I was then told it was a fake post, I would be disgusted. As the article said, the truth takes time since you need facts and things to back up the story but, false information can travel fast which creates false opinions and false statements.