What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished the last several weeks?
Over the past beginning weeks of school I’ve learned quite a bit because I was apart of the wave which taught me new technology problems that I had to fix to the best of my ability on the spot. I was able to learn new things while trying to teach others what to do. Some tasks include me in my own classroom helping with projector or sound issues, I’m able to take my knowledge everywhere. This brought me to the beginning of our passion project and the project itself taught me more about detail-orientation, organization, time management, and teamwork.
What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.
The biggest aspects of my work being successful are probably what the project taught me/showed me itself. All the new life long things I’ve learned will help me in the future with jobs, teams, etc. The project itself that we just started is demonstrating all these new key things for life.
What aspects of your work is challenging? Explain why.
The aspect I would say is the biggest challenge is how I’ve been learning so many new things and trying to keep up with the people in my group that were in Tech Team last year. Not knowing every out and in I’m forced to try a lot more and think a lot more on my own, or even just asking more questions.
What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?
The steps I took to overcome these challenges are, how I mentioned before asking questions and trying to find new ways that could help myself in the future. This project itself has being challenging because it’s a completely new topic and idea and I’m glad I get the chance to take it on, I believe with all the help I’ve been getting from my peers that that’s the main way I have been overcoming all these challenges.
Is there anything you can do improve? (With your approach to the project, or altering the project)
I believe at the rate we are going with creating new ideas and names/qualifications with this project, we are doing quite well with all the support we are receiving. Overall, I believe we can just try and speak up if we do have other ideas and try to just get everything out there if possible.
Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff?
I currently have no negative suggestions or feedback about Tech Team because I believe with the time we’ve been given and all the things we’ve accomplished with school coming back to a start is quite great and I can’t wait to see what else we can do and how our projects turn out!