Tech Team 10


What are some things you have learned and/or tasks you have accomplished this year?

This year I learned how to communicate my opinions, ideas, and thoughts about technology towards others to better this school as a whole and create a better learning environment. Recently, Tech Team has to plan the Digital Bootcamp each year and this year I was a part of that and that allowed me to create a better bootcamp than before. Thought-out, this year I accomplished multiple things, such as: Helping out with the Digital Bootcamp at the beginning of the year and planning next years, volunteering at the Wave in the mornings to help with any problems, being a part of the Support team, and just helping out with multiple little projects here and there. Since you are also on my Blog you will be able to see all the little things I accomplished by personalizing my blog, having a little and cool homepage, and a sidebar to help find whatever is needed. Overall, all these things taught me different and important things or they just reinforced other ideas as well.

What aspects of your work are successful? Explain why.

I believe the aspects of creating ideas and my reflections of my work after. I believe creating ideas are quite hard and it took some time to know what type of ideas this class requires and how to communicate them properly. As well as, when I reflected on my work I was able to learn from mistakes and things I did well to know what work and what didn’t for the next project/task.

What aspects of your work is challenging? Explain why.

I believe the hardest aspects are to be able to communicate in a good and effective way. I think that being unable to communicate tends to make a project harder and in the long run take more time. With communication skills people are able to work together better and in the end provide a better and worthwhile project.

What steps did you take to overcome these challenges / what adjustments did you need to make?

At first I just stayed back and learned about everything that happened in this class, how everything works –  to be able to understand how people work together, and what things usually happen. After I was able to learn from this and start to communicate ideas in a good way to feel as if I helped produce something. I think I adjusted with what people needed and how each and every single person saw things a different way, this being said I think it just depends on you and if you’re willing to make these adjustments for people.

Is there anything you can do improve? (with your approach to the project, or altering the project)

I believe the biggest thing I can improve is to be sure about the things I come forward with. I think that creating a strong and straight-forward plan will make things project a lot better; and when we finally do come up the criteria I think that’s when the whole team will be able to off of it and have an “easier” (you could say) time with going forward with this project. As well as, when the criteria is done it will also sort of put everything else in place with what we need to accomplish next.

As Riverside continues to immerse itself into innovation and technology, what do you think Riverside can do to provide support and help for teachers and students? (Provide specific examples)

As a school I believe we already help our students, teachers, and staff a lot to make sure they feel comfortable with the technology we use. I think allowing teachers to have an information session about all the softwares and technology we use would be beneficial not only for them, but students as well. With these information sessions teachers would be able to learn what they need to know to be able to help themselves and not rely on other, but also help kids when something unexpected happens – allowing teacher to create better connections with students and have students learn from them for this as well.

Do you have any feedback or suggestions, as we move forward, that could help the Tech Team meet the needs of our school and staff / be more effective? (Provide specific examples)

At the moment, I would say Tech Team is doing quite a bit around the school and are trying to help students all the time; however, some things could be as little as showing the students the ressources they have and just showing what they really can do and that’s anything as long as they set their mind to it and if needed, as for help and advice. If students knew they were able to use the Padcaster or even that the school had one then I think this will let them become more creative and want to do better and create a better end result. In the end, we provide students with a lot of ressources and help. but it isn’t always up to the teachers, students should want to do better and I think just showing them a “new toy” (it isn’t a toy but and educational ressource) would push them to succeed.

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