Tech Team 10

Tech Team Edublog


What Widgets and Plugins did you choose?

I chose a couple widgets but the main ones I was proud to find were the widgets for the sidebar which were the, Edublog search/Google search engines, a tag cloud, and a recent posts tabs.

What are there strengths?

I believe all these widgets have their own strengths because all of them can enhance the experience on my blog. The Edublog search/Google search can make searching for a specific post or another thing on the internet much easier. The tag cloud can help teachers, students, and others find specific posts that have the tag. Finally, the recent posts tab shows the recent posts I have created and show to the reader many more ideas/posts that I have posted because it could engage the reader about my blog as a whole instead of just one post.

What are there weaknesses?

The widgets have some weaknesses as well, because the search engines need exact wording of titles be find the posts and the tag cloud could have incorrect tags so could throw off the whole experience of wanting it to be easier and faster. However, all these weakness could have strengths within them because this means you must be more organized and clear about tags and titles.

Can these programs be used in a classroom setting to enhance student learning? Would you use it and/or recommend it?

All these widgets can be used in a classroom setting because it could help readers find, explore, and read other posts and learn something new. I would recommend the tag cloud and Edublog search engine because they let the readers find more exact posts and just let the reader find something faster and easier.

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