Support Team:
Description of your new and improved idea:
The ideas of the support team are to provide tech support to anyone who needs it, inform others such as, students, visitors, parents, etc. about technology, the 1:1 program, Edublogs, and Office365. To offer easier access and knowledge for/about technology, enforce the idea of how teachers can help themselves and/or others. As well as, help teachers not worry about having to later on teach themselves after learning from us, tech support. We would like emphasize the idea of the importance of technology and build the capacity of the staff.
What problems might I run into?
Some problems we might face is the unwillingness of teachers to learn, the desire to get something over with and not take anything from the experience, and the frustration of learning something new. As tech support, we will help the staff with anything at any time with full explanations and a great attitude. Tech support is here to help, teach, and make the teachers feel more comfortable with technology.
What skills do I need to complete this project? How can I attain these skills?
As the support team we must have patience, willingness, and different methods to show different things to different teachers to be able to show the positive effect of technology in this school/towards the future. The skills needed to be able to offer help is the ability to think on your feet, problem solve, and the motivation to have patience and teach. In the long run, this will help many students and teachers to access and see technology from a different perspective.
Create a brief timeline of key things that need to happen to ensure successful completion of your project.
To be able to complete this project we will need to be able to provide tech support to teachers and students whenever and with any problem. We should create a schedule for the tech team which indicates if anyone ever has a spare block they are to be in the library to supply tech support. This passion project will be completed when we can provide enough support to make students and teachers comfortable with learning about new technology and expanding their horizons with the technology that’s all ready provided.