Math 10 Honours Portfolio

Prime Number Poem

Mother of 1 and Myself

I am the mother of 1, and myself

My family tree is nothing but three,

Me myself and 1


We pride ourselves on being primarily

self dependant.

We may look odd to the naked eye,

But don’t be fooled we are positively

Optimistic that one day we will integrate

into society as a whole.


Now I have this story to tell you

from when I was younger,

Maybe around 7

and I really didn’t have anyone back then

except, my 2 best friends…

My twin and my number 1!

We didn’t need 2 or 3 more to be happy

But factor in that it was hard for us to make friends.

We were unique

And sometimes a little lonely but,

We always liked being just a little bit…

Or maybe a lot odd.

In fact, there are many of us

So many that people have created contests to find us

And I just hope someday

My children and myself

Can meet as many as the eye can see


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