Strengths and Weaknesses
One of my strengths that I demonstrated so far in this course is effectively using class time to complete my work. For example, when I am working on a lab in class, I use my class time wisely while giving the best quality of work. I am able to distribute my work evenly throughout the time I am given. When I was studying for the bonding and the mole test during a review block, I made sure to manage my time proficiently and not get distracted by others or my device. A personal weakness that I have noticed throughout this course is seeking help and assistance when I require it. For example, when I was studying for the mole test, I did not always ask for assistance from the teacher when I needed it. I often go to my peers for help, but sometimes that does not provide me with the best advice.
CC-Self Assesment – Personal Responsibility
Personal Responsibility Rubric
Lab Skills Rubric
Collaboration Rubric
Part Two – End Reflection.
Throughout the end of Chemistry 11, I feel as though I have successfully reached my goal of asking for assistance when I need it. Throughout the units of Solitions and Organic Chemistry, I compiled a list of questions I needed to ask in order to achieve high results on my tests. I asked these questions to people that had significant knowledge in these areas such as my instructor, uncle, and peers. I took individual initiative to show that I can ask questions to understand the unit material. Another goal I have achieved is receiving and maintaing a high A (above 95%) grade in Chemsity 11. I put hard work and dedication towards practicing everyday questions and completing assignment. I maintained keeping a solid understand during class everyday to not fall behind later on.