Here is my blackout poem on ‘The Veldt.’ I used the programs Canva and Procreate in this project. My poem explores the theme of Alienation.
I chose to base my poem around the theme of Alienation by conveying how one becomes disconnected and isolated through the abundances of technology. Through my poems, figurative imagery, I represented feelings of despair that plague us when we abandon our connections for devices. The sentence, “I watch, I wonder, I think alone,” expresses sentiments of loneliness and abandonment as one becomes incapable of connecting with others. The metaphor “I’d compete with squirrels for nuts,” portrays a materialistic and consumerist society in which people would compete against each other for idealistic items. In connection to ‘The Veldt’, the story satirizes a consumerist culture as evidenced by the HappyLife home. The Hadley’s come to develop a deep dependency on technology as they lose value in their connections. The line, “I am out of reach,” represents one that has become so dependent on technology that they so much as separate themselves from others. In ‘The Veldt’, the children develop a love for the nursery in the way that they should love their parents. My illustrations within the poem relate to the theme by depicting a sense of loneliness, incapability, and isolation. A cell phone is portrayed, weighing a hand down as it tries to reach out into the void. I displayed parts of paintings that symbolize alienation to support the imagery and overall message. In conclusion, my poem explores the theme from Bradbury’s ‘The Veldt’ on how technology has the potential to disconnect and manipulate others while still generating feelings of isolation and despair.