Biotechnology and Genetics Blog Post

genetic engineering

what is genetic engineering

Genetic engineering, sometimes called genetic modification, is the process of altering the DNA in an organism’s genome. This may mean changing one base pair (A-T or C-G), deleting a whole region of DNA, or introducing an additional copy of a gene.It may also mean extracting DNA from another organism’s genome and combining it with the DNA of that individual. Genetic engineering is used by scientists to enhance or modify the characteristics of an individual organism. Genetic engineering can be applied to any organism, from a virus to a sheep. For example, genetic engineering can be used to produce plants that have a higher nutritional value or can tolerate exposure to herbicides.

What is needed for it to work?

genetic engineering to work it must have, DNA,which is cut with the help of restriction enzymes, genes that are transported in the region of plasmids and ligase enzymes. The genes of interest from an organism are cut using a restriction enzyme.

what is the process?

The genes that are cut are inserted into plasmids. Before insertion, the plasmids are cut using restriction enzyme. The foreign genes are inserted into the plasmids and sealed using the ligase enzyme. The new plasmid is transferred into an agrobacterium for culture. The agrobacterium is then transferred to the plant or animal cell. The genetic engineering process is a small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid is extracted from the bacteria or yeast cell. Then a small section is then cut out of the circular plasmid by restriction enzymes, ‘molecular scissors.  After that the gene for human insulin is inserted into the gap in the plasmid. This plasmid is now genetically modified.  Then the genetically modified plasmid is introduced into a new bacteria or yeast cell. This cell then divides rapidly and starts making insulin. To create large amounts of the cells, the genetically modified bacteria or yeast are grown in large fermentation vessels that contain all the nutrients they need. The more the cells divide, the more insulin is produced. When fermentation is complete, the mixture is filtered to release the insulin. The insulin is then purified and packaged into bottles and insulin pens for distribution to patients with diabetes.

how does genetic engineering work?

To help explain the process of genetic engineering we have taken the example of insulin, a protein that helps regulate the sugar levels in our blood. Normally insulin is produced in the pancreas, but in people with type 1 diabetes there is a problem with insulin production. People with diabetes therefore have to inject insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Genetic engineering has been used to produce a type of insulin, very similar to our own, from yeast and bacteria like E. coli.

week 17 in math 10


this week in math 10 we worked on systems. there arre 3 ways to find the answer. the first way is graphically solving the equation, this requires a graph, the first thing you do is change the form to y intercept then you graph the points using the slope and the starting point. the next way is substitution, to do this one you isolate the variable (x or y) then so you end up with x or y = then you substitute the x or y for the equation that comes after the x or y= then simplify for 0 pairs. the last way is elimination for elimination the first thing you do is you find the common factor then you add or subtract the equations then you simplify for 0 pairs.


week 15 in math 10

this week in math 10 we learned equations of lines. I am going to show you how to change point slope form into slope y intercept form.

the first step is to distribute the number from infront of the bracket into the numbers inside. then you want to flip the number beside the y to the other side (when you do this you must change the sign) then if possible add the two constants and then you are done.

week 14 in math 10

this week in math 10 we learned how to find the slope using a graph or cooridates. there are four types of slopes there is a posative slope, negative slope, zero slope and an undefined slope. a posative slope starts on thebottom on the left and goes up with a slpoe right, a negative slope is the opposite it starts on the bottom right and goes up left, a zero slope is a straight horizontal line, and the undefined slope is a straight verticle line.

to find the slope you use the formula slope=rise/run, the rise is the y axes and run is the x axes. you then need to find two perfect points, this is a point on a grid line. after you get your two perfect points you start on the left with the rise (y axes) and go up or down depending on if its a posative or negative slope, then you find how many points it goes down or up to get to the next point and you find how many points it goes left or right to get to your next point. then you write a fraction of the two numbers (rise over run) and divide them too get your slope.

week 13 in math 10

this week in math 10 we learned how to find the x and y intercepts. to find the x intercept the first step is you have to cancil out the y in the equation. to do this you have to replace the y with a zero(5x-4y-18=0)to(5x-4(0)-18=0). the next step is to isolate the variable, to do this you need to get rid of the term with no x or y by adding or subtracting by that number, and what you do to the left you do to the right. then you need to divide by the the number the with the x, so if it is 3x=18 you divide both  terms by three to isolate the variable but if you x is squared you have to square root the x and the answer you have, then you have your answer

to find the y axes everything is the same except you need to change the x with 0

week 11 in math 10

this week in math 10 we learned how to factor perfect trinomials. the first step to factoring it is to square root the first and last terms of the trinomial (when identifying and factoring the perfect square trinomial make sure to use CDPEU). the next step is checking your answer to do this you make sure the two binomilas are identical then you multiply the first term in the first binomial and the last term in the second, then you multiply the last term in the first binomial and the first term in the second binomial if the two terms you got from that add to the second term in the starting trinomial then you know you factored it right.
