Desmos Art Functions Card 2018
This is my Desmos Project 🙂
I tried to put title’s for each of my folder but it would always erase so I’ll put them on the blog instead.
- Face shape (polynomials)
- Eyes (polynomials, radicals, rational)
- Nose (radical)
- Hair (polynomials, trigonometry)
- Mouth (radical)
- Body shape (polynomials)
- H (constant)
- O (circles)
- P (constant, circle)
- E (constant)
- arms (logarithmic, exponential)
Here are all the different types of functions I’ve used to make a Christmas card with my portrait. I had a hard time figuring out how to incorporate certain functions like, logarithmic, exponential and rational functions, but I was able to figure it out as I was playing around with each equations by using specific transformations. In the beginning it was hard for me to start my portrait. I didn’t know how a circle equation looked like. However, through this project I was able to learned how a circle equation looked like and was able to use many different functions. I didn’t know that graphing self portrait through graphing took critical and creative thinking. Through this project, I was able to critically and creatively think and incorporate 6 different functions that we learned this year to make a Christmas card. I am extremely grateful to have had this opportunity to further my understanding in graphs.