Periodic Table Kahoot Reflection

I have learned a lot about the periodic table so here is what I have to report so far. Things I know well are what the periods and families are, which family of elements contains a solid a liquid, and a gas at room temp. I also know what atoms are, why the periodic table is organized the way that it is, and who made it. Some things I still need to work on are what metalloids are, how elements can be decomposed, and what alkaline earth metals are. A couple of things I wonder about the periodic table is how they discovered certain elements and how these people who lived in a time when safety equipment wasn’t as advanced stayed safe when handling hazardous chemicals and elements. Some ways that I am going to improve and expand my knowledge for this is using Kahoot to study the answers I got wrong, I will also make sure to listen extra carefully in case Mr Robinson says something that will help me better understand what I don’t already   

Fictional Science Safety Story

One day in science class we were reviewing our WHMIS  and household safety signs to prepare for the lab that we were going to do the following day. they had mostly gone over household safety symbols such as explosive Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 - and corrosive Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001 -  and were starting to go over WHMIS symbols starting with compressed gas.WHMIS 2015 - Pictograms : OSH Answers  Mr. Robinson asked the class what the symbol for flammable was, Jimmy pointed at this one.CCOHS: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Mr. Robinson commended Jimmy for getting the answer right however bobby thought that the symbol that Mr. Robinson pointed to meant it was an irritant because if your skin gets irritated it can get inflamed. The next thing to do was prep for the lab that was going to happen the following day “Tomorrow we are going to be experimenting to see what happens when you heat hydrochloric acid with a bunsen burner at various heats and remember that next month we will be dissecting a sheep’s eye to kick off our unit on light and vision” said Mr. Robinson. Sandy didn’t like this, Sandy has always loved animals and hated the thought of animals being hurt for any purpose, because of this sandy is a vegetarian and will do everything in her power to avoid causing animals pain. So when she heard that they were going to dissect the eyes of sheep she became queasy at the thought. But she was excited because she was looking forward to eating her salad at lunch so she forgot about it.

The next day everyone was in the lab getting ready to start the experiment, because of the fumes of the acid they did the experiment under the fume hood in room 201. The experiment was started by taking the acid and pouring it from a funnel into a test tube, the test tube would be placed in a test tube stand over a bunsen burner. Everything was going well until Bobby grabs isopropyl alcohol instead of hydrochloric acid because he neglected to look at the WHMIS symbol on the bottle. He proceeded to pour it into the test tube (which is now about 750 degrees Fahrenheit) as soon as he did there was a perfect column of flame that rose from the test tube and caught Bobby’s lab coat sleeve on fire, Bobby wasn’t there on the safety day so he didn’t know what to do if he caught on fire so he proceeded to run around the lab waving his arms in the air and screaming. Luckily Jimmy knew exactly what to do, first, he said to Mr.Robinson very casually “Hey Mr. Robinson, bobby is on fire and so is his test tube, I think he put rubbing alcohol in it instead of acid.”  Then he got the fire blanket and jumped at bobby with his arms outstretched with the blanket in both hands. Jimmy wrapped the blanket around Bobby while Mr. Robinson extinguished the flame and other than bobby’s eyebrows getting singed off which made him a lot less motivated to ask that girl that he liked out on a date everything was fine and the day went on as planned.

The next day Sandy was having a good day until she remembered that she was going to have to dissect a sheep’s eye next Friday and so she asked her friend Jesse for some advice “Why don’t you just tell Mr. Robinson?” Jesse said Sandy thought it was a great idea and so she had gone by the classroom after school to tell Mr. Robinson how she felt ” I totally understand where you’re coming from Sandy, I have prepared for this scenario by making a backup assignment for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable participating in the dissection, so if you don’t want to participate you will have to write me a 600-word essay on the importance of each part of the human eye” Sandy winced at the thought of having to write a 600-word essay and briefly considered changing her personal philosophy so she could avoid writing an essay but quickly snapped out of it and thanked Mr. Robinson for understanding. Once Sandy had left, Mr. Robinson sighed and reclined in his chair, closing his eyes for a brief second he said “I love my job”   


The End

Does the type of materials used in beehives affect bee quality of life? – explore the field

Part 1

Here is my explore the field sway where i asked the wonder question”Does the type of materials used in a beehive effect bee quality of life?’

Part 2

My sub questions

What materials are used to make a beehive in the wild?

What materials are used in man made beehives?

What is the preferred environment for bees to live in?

What environments might stimulate bee reproduction

What does the best possible life for a bee look like

Digital tools

I used…

  • Gale engage
  • Pexels
  • Creative commons
  • Citation machine 
  • Google

Citing and verifying

I cited my sources by using Citation Machine.

For verification I used gale engage and for the websites that i found without gale engage I just made sure that I wasn’t getting my information from wikipedia and made sure that the sources were credible.


  1. Formed wonder question
  2. Formed sub questions to answer wonder question
  3. researched sub questions
  4. compiled information into sway
  5. did post

One thing I wish had done better is using my time better so that I wasn’t still researching when i should have been working on my sway.


Core Competencies CS 10 Pt 2

This is my image of a portal to another dimension within a bowl of soup.

I achieved this by taking two AI generated images (a bowl of soup with peas in it, a portal to another dimension) and using layer masks within Photoshop to seamlessly combine the two images in any way I wanted. In this assignment I used creative thinking to come up with this idea and combine the images in a way that is engaging to other people. a big challenge was finding a way to combine the images in an interesting way.

Core Competencies CS 10

This is my 3D printed Lightsaber that I designed in computer Studies 10 in Tinkercad

in this assignment I had to think critically and creatively. before I started this assignment i had limited understanding of how the 3D design process worked but now that I nearing the end of this class I am happy to say that my understanding of many design processes for this kind of things is expanded.

TOKTW day 2022

TOKTW report

My host: Simone Dive. relation to me: stepmother 


  1. What Is your job title ?  

She is the Executive Director at Foundations for Social Change  

          2.What is your job description 

This job is equivalent to CEO for corporations, but she works for a nonprofit, so it is called ED (Executive director), Tackles homelessness in Canada. 

          3.What are the duties or tasks that you perform at your job 

Raise money through fundraising, lead a team of employees and volunteers, develop social programs to tackle homelessness and execute research 

            4.What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas 

           A.Training: research, UX Design, leadership development, finance, innovation 

           B.Education: High school, Certificate in personnel, certificate in marketing, Sauder business development program,                Online management 

          C.Experience: 15 years working in multiple different industries and learning multiple things from various roles.  

         D.Skills and attributes: people management, leadership skills, soft manipulation, sales, finance, communication,                     marketing etc. 

  1. what are some things you like about the job

“I love helping humanity and how challenging it is” 

  1. what are some of the things you dislike about the job

Dislikes the lack of time in a workday and does not like admin tasks 

  1. how do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years

The organization will grow a lot because the problem around homelessness will get worse unfortunately over time. Intend on retiring in 5 years and possibly becoming a board member in my part time retirement instead of staying heading up the organization. 


 Student reflections 

Give 3 reasons why you would like this job 

            1.I like the idea that they are fighting homelessness and working for the greater good  

            2.I feel like working in a non-profit organization will teach you a lot and could give someone knowledge that they                    could then use outside of work 

            3.I like to challenge myself and according to my stepmom the job presents a new challenge everyday  



Give 3 reasons why you would not like this job 

           1.There is constant multitasking that sometimes makes it hard to focus on one thing 

           2.I am not a very persuasive person, and it seems like this job requires a lot of that 

           3.This job requires you to be in an office a lot of the time and this could be inconvenient to have to commute to                        work most days. 


Is this job for you? Why or why not 

           I think that this job is for me because I have always been keen on helping the world and working for the greater                     good of humanity and this job offers a way to do that while using the skills that I am best at. Such as working                          collaboratively with others, problem solving and money management. 


Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post-secondary (after high school) plans (education? training? travel? work?). 

          I think that the TOKTW experience is valuable to me because it gives me a sneak peek into a possible future career.                For quite a while I have been pondering the idea of working in a job similar to this one and this experience has given            me insight on what I need to be successful in this kind of job/setting