Winston Smith is the main character from the novel 1984, he is described as being a skinny relatively unhealthy man in his late 30s he has a varicose ulcer on his foot making it hard to walk. Winston Smith works for the outer party in the Ministry of Truth, keeping documents and recounting events. Winston lives in the Victory Heights apartment buildings. above the surface, he seems like a normal person but going a bit deeper into his head we see the brain of a man, broken and moulded by the standards of his totalitarian government. we see a man who views women as objects due to his inability to have independent thoughts or life (on account of the controlling government). Winston on the outside appears to see the government as completely acceptable but going into his mind we see a deep hatred for the government and a desire to overthrow “Big Brother”. in the recent chapters, we learned that Winston has now committed a “thought crime”(an instance of unorthodox or controversial thinking, considered a criminal offence or as socially unacceptable). by writing in a diary the phrase “Down with Big Brother” over and over in his diary. in conclusion, Winston is a man who hates the government and would prefer an alternate way of governing, he has shown to be guilty of thought crime and blatant misogyny. I do not particularly like some of the things that Winston has done such as being very self-absorbed and viewing women as sex objects, but I also believe that Winston is a very broken man who may do some of the things he does due to his instincts shaped by the government
. Artists rendering of Winston above (artist unknown)