Does the type of materials used in beehives affect bee quality of life? – explore the field

Part 1

Here is my explore the field sway where i asked the wonder question”Does the type of materials used in a beehive effect bee quality of life?’

Part 2

My sub questions

What materials are used to make a beehive in the wild?

What materials are used in man made beehives?

What is the preferred environment for bees to live in?

What environments might stimulate bee reproduction

What does the best possible life for a bee look like

Digital tools

I used…

  • Gale engage
  • Pexels
  • Creative commons
  • Citation machine 
  • Google

Citing and verifying

I cited my sources by using Citation Machine.

For verification I used gale engage and for the websites that i found without gale engage I just made sure that I wasn’t getting my information from wikipedia and made sure that the sources were credible.


  1. Formed wonder question
  2. Formed sub questions to answer wonder question
  3. researched sub questions
  4. compiled information into sway
  5. did post

One thing I wish had done better is using my time better so that I wasn’t still researching when i should have been working on my sway.


3 thoughts on “Does the type of materials used in beehives affect bee quality of life? – explore the field

  1. Very good information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on how the types of materials used affects the quality of bee life. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well! What about the connections with Saul led you to consider pursuing this topic?

  2. really good post. i can understand how diffrent TYPE OF MATERIALS USED IN BEEHIVES AFFECT BEE QUALITY OF LIFE. i like how you made your sway scroll down instead of side ways mabye you can teach me one time on how to make swipe down instead of side way.

    1. I’m glad to have taught you about the subject. Thanks for engaging in my post

      Thanks for reading,
      P.S I will teach you how to make the sway scroll down at some point’

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