Tag Archives: Macbethintro

Macbeth Intro

“Blood will have blood”
Do you believe in revenge? Why?

I do not believe in revenge. From the moment I was born I was taught about karma, the ups and downs of it. My mother has always said that every good dead comes with good karma and every bad dead brings bad karma. The good karma may not come in a way that you see but it does come (ex/ good health, being recognized for your efforts in school). If anyone was to do wrong upon me, I fully believe that the world would bring back the wrong that they gave out. Furthermore, I also believe that two wrongs do not make a right. How am I different than the one who started it all if I perform the same actions as they did? At the end of the day we are both acting wrongfully and no one is better than the other in this situation. It is easier to drop down to their standards but more powerful to stick by your morals and rise above all the negative. Finally, the world already has too much hate and I believe a little forgiveness will do no harm (of course depending on what occurred). In the end, karma will find its way and going to bed at night knowing you were the bigger person always helps you sleep.