Category Archives: Grade 11

Pre-Calc 11 Top 5 for 2017

  1. Do assigned homework as soon as its assigned

The worst thing that you could possibly do is leave your homework to the last minute. You will have so many question’s and I can guarantee that you will realise you don’t know even half of what you thought you did (trust me I have been there, done that).  Your tests also become so much less stressful and easier for you if you do all your homework on time.

  2. Use class time wisely

If you use your class time wisely, not only do you not have to do as much homework at home but you also have people there to help you if you get stuck. You may want to relax and not do anything, but why do that now, when you could do that later instead of your homework! Furthermore, this will help you to stay on track with completing assigned homework as soon as it is assigned.

   3.  Don’t prepare for tests the day before

This can go hand in hand with not completing your homework on time, but there is nothing worse than studying the day before! You will not have time to ask questions the next day if you get stuck on one, therefore you will be at a huge disadvantage and your grade will suffer from that. And who wants that!?!?!

   4.  Write notes

Notes can help you for your assignments for that day, for unit test, but most especially for the midterm and final. They are so easy to go back to if you forget how to do something. Notes will be your holy bible of Pre-Calc 11!

  5.  Focus from the beginning to end

Whether it is the start of the year or the end of it, everyone will begin their semester off trying their ultimate best. Though, we all know that we say to ourselves “well if I don’t study for this test, I’ll just study for the next one”. That right there, not a good plan, because one test can affect your mark and learning severely. Everything we learn in Pre-Calc all coincides with each other and if you miss out in learning for one or two units everything else will not make sense. So listen, do your homework and don’t tell yourself that you’ll start trying again near the end of the semester because by then, it is already too late! You only have one year left of school after this, make it the best that you can make it!

When to use What Trig

Basic Trig Identities: You only can use basic trig when there is a triangle with a right angle and the necessary information.

There needs to be a right triangle because there needs to be an hypothenuse. Furthermore basic trig consists of Sine, Cosine and Tangent, which is also SOH, CAH, TOA. A trick used to know what side (opposite, adjacent, hypothenuse) of the triangle is needed to figure out the angle (vice versa).

Look at this example…….       We knew the angle F (38*) and the side FD (10 cm), which is also the hypothenuse. Meaning that we can use the formula CAH to figure out the side ‘d’. We put the given numbers into the equation, rearranged it  and then we were left with the answer (7.9 cm)  to the adjacent side of COS 38*.                  

Sine Law Identities: You can only use sine law if you have a non right triangle and atlas on of the angles and their opposing side of the triangle.

The sine law equation looks like this… Sin A / a  =  Sin B / b  =  Sin C / c   …. Meaning that the angle of A divided by its opposing side (side a) is equal to angle of B (or C) divided by opposing side b (or side c).

Take in this example…..  It is NOT a right triangle but we do know the angle of G and its opposing side g or known as JH (10 cm). We also know side h or known as GJ (15 cm) but what we do not know is angle H. So what we can do is punch all our given answers into the above sine law equation, rearrange it, to then come to our answer which we will invert sine it, to finally get the real answer of angle H (34*).

Cosine Law Identities: Cosine law can be used for any type of triangle but ONLY ones that have a contained angle and information limited enough, that it is impossible to use the sine law. 

The Cosine law equation looks like this…. c*2 = a*2 + b*2 – (2ab cosC)  ….. This equations is used if there is not a given answer for an angle AND its opposing side length, because with that information you can use sine law. However, without it, you need to use cosine.

Look at this example…. Immediately we can see that there is a contained angle (an angle that is “cornered” by a length of a side on both sides of it). We can also notice that there is limited information, so the sine law will not work and it is NOT  a right triangle so the basic trig will not work either. Therefore we will take the oscine equations up above and bunch our given information into the equation and we will come out with out finally answer (6.3 cm).

In grade 10 I only knew the basic trig identities, which were useful but if it was not given enough information or if it was NOT a right triangle I would have to do so much extra work (ex/ splitting the triangle into two). Though, now in grade 11, with the sine and cosine law, I do not have to do as much work as before because I have the knowledge to do steps that I did not know how to do before.

Beating my Gender Stereotype

A day that my gender significantly impacted who I was and what I could do, was when I was 8 years old outside playing with my older neighbours. We were running out of things to do so my dad came up with the idea to have a race. I watched the boys have one running race and immediately wanted to join in. They said that I wouldn’t be able to compete because I was younger and “girls are not fast enough”. I, however, challenged that regard and asked one of the boys who was two years older than me to race. He denied and repeatedly said that he did not want to “hurt my feelings”. As sad as it is to say, he only agreed with me after my dad questioned if he was “afraid to lose to a girl”. So here I was ready to prove them all wrong but as my dad yelled “GO!” I soon came to realize that my opponent had not started. When I asked him why he waited he told me that he wanted to give me a head start. My 8 year old self was appalled by that and demanded that he started at the same time as me. Though, he continued to give me a head start for the next three tries, until he finally agreed to start at the same time. Then, as we started the race together, I remember racing past him, I remember hearing my dad cheering me on and I especially remember passing the finish line and watching my opponent trail behind me. It was a victory, I won! After the race, he said “Wow, you’re not too bad for a girl”, then managed to come up with every excuse there was, as to why he lost. My gender affected my identity, because it portrayed me for someone who I was not. I was not slow. And my neighbours views upon my gender pushed me to prove them wrong which then lead me to victory. In the end, to this day, I still think about how my neighbour put me into a gender stereotype and even after I broke it he still managed to keep me labeled. Society forces a label upon us and makes it appear that we, women, are incapable of many things, even when we prove over and over again that, that is not the case. They force feed the world these “false advertisements” and display us in these weak and fragile gender norms.


citation for the photo could not be accessed due to the website showing me a 404 not found page. However here is the URL:Illustration source

Learning the Importance of Emotion

As it was expressed through the speech “I’m a Feminist” written and performed by Emma Watson at the United Nations Headquarters, our gender affects our identity because it forms idealistic views of how our gender is meant to be. She begins by discussing how society affects one’s gender, which affects one’s minds, which then affects one’s identity. The mind is trained to intercept the gender norms, created by society, in a way that tells one that they are not allowed to like and adhere to the opposing gender: “I’ve seen my father’s role as a parent being valued less by society despite me needing his presence as a child” (Watson, UN). The stereotypical roles do not only affect one’s way of living but also their health: “I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness’ unable to ask for help for fear that it would make them less of a man. – In the uk, suicide is the biggest killer of men” (Watson, UN). Emma also addressed the unpleasantry that is connected to characteristics that are often linked to women. She states that gender norms can be breached if people start to view gender as a “spectrum” and not two “opposing set of ideals”. Together it must be apparent that “both men and women should feel free to be sensitive, both men and women should feel free to be strong ” (Watson, UN). Our Gender affects our identity because it creates many mental health issues, especially for men. It makes them feel that they are un able to seek help. This is due to the lack of love for more stereotypical feminine attributes, such as: emotional, creative and soft. Through this speech, it is learned that not one characteristic is superior to the other, not one gender is superior to the other and we as humans are equal counterparts in a world that must come together to love the differences.


Watson, Emma. “Emma Watson to United Nations: I’m a Feminist.” HeforShe. United Nations Headquarters, New York. 20 Sept. 2014. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

“Boys’ Mental Health Concerns.” Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.

Saving Women from Gender Norms

In the film “Mulan” produced by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft, the stereotypical view upon women’s capabilities is completely smashed. At the beginning of the movie Mulan is trying to conform to her family’s and country’s views of how women should act, by reciting words like “poised, punctual, graceful and quiet” (Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, Mulan), as she prepares for an interview with the ‘matchmaker’. She is constantly harassed and put down for acting un lady like, especially when she tries to volunteer for war, in the place of her ill father: “You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man’s presence.” (Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, Mulan). However, her true-self comes through and convinces her to dress up as a boy and replace her father as a fake son. Once, she arrives to the camp she is shown through her own efforts and the remarks of others, how weak she is compared to the other soldiers. Despite the fact that she was told to go home due to her inabilities, she works hard all day and night and by the morning she proves to everyone that she is the strongest “man” there by not only completing all the tasks, but also coming first in all of them. As she breaks free from her gender labels and is able to be her true self, she thinks of an elaborate plan, takes the last cannon and shoots it at the mountains to create an avalanche and kill almost all the enemy’s army. The other soldiers are thrilled of the win but as she shows that she is in fact a woman, they shun her and say she is a huge dishonour to the country. Notwithstanding her being completely hated upon, she comes back and saves the kingdom from the rest of the evil army and saves the day. Mulan’s gender affected her identity because people believed that because she was a woman, she was not strong or smart enough to take place in the army, even after she proved to them the capabilities that she does posses, they still shunned her for entering the army. Furthermore, her country its self believed that woman were solely allowed to look pretty, sit there and be quiet. She proves to her country and herself that women are not only strong but they are capable, they are intelligent and they can too, be heroes.


Mulan. Walt Disney, 1998.

“Popular Feminism – Breaking Down Assigned Gender Roles (Yes Amy, I Really Wrote This).” Spencer Gates’s Blog. N.p., 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.


Why Ignorance is the reason we can’t achieve equality



The only separation between the human race and equality is the ignorance that consumes us. We as people claim that we are aware, we are equal and we treat everyone with respect. However, I’d like someone to explain to me how wearing First Nations cultural outfits as costumes, the misconception of their looks and the forgotten history, is not ignorant.


Halloween is a time to dress up and portray yourself as someone you are not. It is fun. It is creative. However, sadly, it can get stereotypical, and yes, ignorant. Imagine wearing clothes that are apart of your cultural background and then have them all of a sudden stripped of their significance and meaning. Well, I’m sorry to tell you but that is what First Nations have to go through, not just at Halloween but throughout the whole year. We see their cultural clothing in magazines, run ways and musical festivals. People wear them without even the slightest thought of; “Ohh hey, you know what, maybe, the feathers in my hair actually have a significance and by me wearing them I am belittling what they signify”. Well, unfortunately that does not occur. Which means that they never get to learn that eagle feathers symbolize traits such as trust, strength, honour, wisdom, power and freedom. Plus, to receive an eagle feather during a ceremony is a high honour among tribe members. If we knew, appreciated and respected the meaning and significance behind it all, this whole debacle would not be a problem in the first place. We are appropriating someone else’s culture. We wear their clothes, headdresses and feathers without earning them or understanding the importance within them. Do your research. Think of others. And appreciate not appropriate.



Stereotypes. We see them every where we go and they shape our understanding of everyday images and appearances. In the minds of society, if you don’t have long black braided hair, some animals skin on your clothes and brown toned skin, then are you really a First Nations? Well there you have it folks, an example of a disgustingly alive stereotype. It’s rather silly to think that someone of a complete different culture has the right to depict wether you are who are or not. One of the main problems of a First Nations identity is that they are not accepted, by people who are non First Nation, as a First Nation, if they don’t look like the stereotypes we see in pictures and films. They are people. Some live on a reserve, some don’t. Some wear their traditional clothing, some wear clothes you can find in the mall. They are who they are through their culture within them not through your inaccurate vision of who you think they are. They breath, talk and in fact, poop just like everyone else.



Way, way, way before we were born, “white men” came to Canada and selfishly and ignorantly took the First Nations land from them. They forced them to live on horribly conditioned lands and began to treat them in the most horrific way. WE (white people) took THEIR land. THEY were here before US. So why must we treat them as if they are bombarding into our territory? Because last time I checked we were the ones who did that. As history has shown we mistreated the First Nations to an extent that should not have been reached. It is in the history and no one can ignore the fact that we invaded and were completely ignorant to their culture, beliefs and overall feelings.


In the end, not being educated upon the First Nations and their clothes, various appearances and history has lead us to be ignorant to them throughout all these years. We may say we want the world to be equal but how is that the case, when we do not educate ourselves upon others race, culture or beliefs. We must appreciate and not appropriate. With knowledge and acceptance the world can be a much safer and loving place for not only First Nations but everyone!








Anouk, Safíra. We Cant Trust White People: On Blood Quantum and Identity Appropriation. Digital image. Unsettling America. Safari Anouk, 2 Mar. 2016. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

KRASOWSKI, SANDI. The Persistence of Racial Inequality in Canada. Digital image. The THE CANADIAN PRESS, 20 Mar. 2012. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

Instead of Playing “Indian,” Why Not Shop from Actual Native American Designers? Digital image. Mic Network Inc. Theresa Avila, 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

Exploring First Nations in the Media. Digital image. Exploring First Nations in the Media. Amanda, 11 Dec. 2011. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

Pinterest. Digital image. Pinterest., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2016.

What is the Meaning of Life?


Humans come, humans go. Though, what is the purpose for them to touch and effect the society that surrounds them? In the short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James Thurber, from the result of day dreams of eminence and depressing everyday unsuccessful reality, we discover the meaning of life.

The moment we are living in the world we are expected to be the best person that we can possibly be. We are pressured and the stress to fulfill those shoes is very much present. As we see through Walter Mitty he dreams of people and things that he could have been and doing. His dreams show us that he does not enjoy the life that he has lived and believes that he is unaccomplished. The people that he dreams to be are people who have successfully impacted the world. When Pritichard-Mitford, a character in one of Mitty’s dreams, says, “A brilliant performance, sir” (Thurber, 2) it shows the adoration Mitty has with success. Leaving one’s mark in the world is a way that one can impact and change it. The reason human’s are living is because, as a whole, our impact must help evolve the people and places around us for the better. The stress for this is, is demonstrated as Mrs. Mitty states, “You’re tensed up again” (page 2), which shows the importance of making your mark. As Mitty dreams he see’s the significance of being accomplished and as he comes back to the real world he is stressed and tensed due to the fact that he is unable to fill those shoes himself.

In conclusion, Walter Mitty has proven that leaving your mark in the world is the meaning of life. As he demonstrates this through his dreams for success and depressed actions towards his failed reality. In the end, achieving greatest will always bring you a consummate life.


Citations:                                                                                                                                                      Leave Your Mark In The World. Digital image. Quote Addicts. Quote Addicts, n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2016.                                                                                                                                                                          Carr, Leon, Joe Manchester, Earl Shuman, and James Thurber. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: A New Musical Based on the Classic Story. New York: S. French, 1968. Print.

Walter Mitty – Theme and the Meaning of Life

Theme Statement                                                                                                                                                                 Not leaving a mark in the world and unaccomplished dreams may lead to regret.

According to this story, what is the meaning of life?                                                                                                   The meaning of life is to achieve greatness within your life time. You are expected to be the best that you can; have a great job and bring in lots of income. The meaning of life is that you are expected to complete your dreams and leave your mark in the world. Walter Mitty’s life is perceived (by me) very bland and unexciting. While he goes through his everyday life he keeps wishing for the people and things that he never was and achieved. He dreams of greatness and leaving a mark in the world, which he did not attain. Instead he was full of regret and an unaccomplished life.