Weekly Blogpost: 14


This week we learned how to get the “x” or “y” value, if only “y” or “x” and a function were given. Everything you have to do is, inserting x/ y, with the variable inside/ in front of  the function. The variable in front of the function represents “y”. It is often written as “f(x)” (spoken f of x). It doesn’t always have to be f(x). If there are more functions in one task they just take the next letter of the alphabet.  The variable inside the function and brackets  in front of the “f”can be any letter in the alphabet and represent”x”.

Example: You have the function f(x)= 3x  + 5 and you have to determine the value of f(3)

f(3)= 3 . 3 +5

= 9 + 5


You can also do it the opposite way. For example f(x)/ y = 17

17= 3x + 5  |-5

12= 3x  |:3

4= x