Visual Safety Guide – Kylee H

Washing your hands

I think the most important tip is to wash your hands constantly. We collect a lot of bacteria on our hands and touching is a very hands-on subject.


Organisation is very important when it comes to nearly everything, but it’s especially important for cooking. A tip for organization would be to ensure you have your mise-en-place.

Don’t turn on the stove before there is anything in the pan/pot

Heat is harder to get down than it is to get up and you don’t wan to burn the butter or grease so it’s always best to wait until you’re completely ready.

Tie your hair up

I have longer than shoulder length hair so it’s easy to get stuff in my hair or for my hair to fall out and potentially contaminate the dish.

Make sure to read the recipe completely before starting

It is safer to read the recipe beforehand to make sure you know all the steps and don’t make any mistakes.


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