Power solution Fluency

Sophia and i decided to look into the problem of the ozone hole.


There is a hole in the ozone layer causing extremely warm temperatures. It’s melting ice shelves in the antarctic. The hole is rather large, it is over Antarctica. Antarctica may heat up dramatically while the ozone hole repairs.


How big is the ozone hole?

It covers about 8.2 million square miles. It’s the area of the United States, Canada and Mexico combined.

What caused the ozone hole?

It is believed that the ozone hole was caused by chemicals called CFCs which is short for chlorofluorocarbons.

Can it be repaired?

It can be repaired but it could take decades. “There are indications that the hole in the ozone layer is being repaired, but the process of recovery will take decades, according to a report published on 8th June 2005 by the Institute of Physics .”

How has the problem previously been addressed?

Multiple scientists have spoken about it and it is common knowledge that the hole is the size of north america.


The only possible way to solve this issue is to reduce ozone depleting chemicals. CFCs are commonly used so it would be extremely difficult and unlikely to be enforced.


I will personally attempt to avoid products that produce chemicals harmful to the ozone layer. I can also try to speak up about ozone protection and informing people I know to spread awareness.


I feel like i really learnt something completing this assignment. Before i started researching this topic i didn’t know what the ozone layer even was, much less that it had a significant hole. Sophia suggested this topic and I’m glad she did. The process was rather easy because there is a lot of information about this issue online.








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