About Me


“You may encounter defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou

I like this quote because perseverance has always been important to me. I won an award for perseverance last year because of how often I push past obstacles and make the best of what I’ve got. Everybody has personal and non-personal issues which you need to learn how to get past. Even if there’s something so bad that you think you’ll never get over it, you will. Time heals all wounds, but that doesn’t mean you can just leave it to time. You have to work at it yourself too.


I chose this video because my dad created it in 2011. It was his entry to a radio station “fake film festival 2011” he played Sparky Polastri and every single time I watch it I laugh so hard I cry. It’s definitely my favourite Youtube video. I met Geoff about 1 year after he made this. He really changed my life for the better and you can tell how happy and funny he is just by watching this video.


      One of my favourite things ever is chocolate ice-cream. This specific ice-cream is from Edaleen Dairy, which is my favourite ice-cream place. It’s located just past the Linden border in America. I visit this ice-cream shop every time I’m on my way to our ranch in America. It makes the drive down just that much better.

Link to a website that’s important to me:


I’ve always loved grammar and I’ve always been great with spelling. I finally found something that I’m good at that helps the planet. Every question you get right, you gain 10 points. 10 points is equal to 10 grains of rice. They give the rice to families in need in developing countries.