Week 9 in Math 10

This week in math we learned how to use patterns to quickly mentally answer simple binomials. Here is an example: (x+8)(x+2)–>x²+10x+16 (x-6)(x-2)–>x²-8x+12 (x-3)(x+9)–>x²+6x-27 (x+4)(x-7)–>x²-3x-28 If you haven’t picked up the

Week 8 in Math 10

This week in math we learned how to ‘solve’ a triangle. So if you’re going to solve a triangle, you should probably know what that means first. To solve a

Week 7 in Math 10

This week in math we learned how to use trigonometry to find side lengths of right triangles. To start off remember SOH CAH TOA, which means sine=opposite (O)/hypotenuse (H), cosine=adjacent

Week 6 in Math 10

This week in math we learned how to find the volume of a cone. First, you start off with the formula v=1/3 x (area of base) x h, Next, you

Week 5 in Math 10

This week in math I learned how to convert imperial measurements. A helpful way to start is to think of the imperial system like a staircase (example in picture) miles

Week 4 in Math 10

This week in math I learned how to write a radical as a power and vice versa. If you’re starting with a radical, the number under the root sign is

Week 3 in Math 10

This week in math 10 I learned that the order you use the exponent laws in an equation does not matter. You can use the zero law first, then the division law, the multiplication law, and

Week 2 in Math 10

One thing I learned this week was how to simplify an entire radical. To simplify an entire radical you first have to find the prime factorization of the number under

Year end reflection

I learned many things in this class that I will carry with me throughout my high school life. I learned how use a four square template to effortlessly write an