Gene Mutation Story

Proteus Syndrome

Hello there, I am a cell. I’m going to tell you my story of how I am different than other cells. So when the the fertilized egg divided into more cells instead of dividing into a regular cell I divided into a mutated cell. The difference between me and other cells is that my AKT1 gene has an A instead of a G. Since I am a cell and I have to keep dividing I divided more cells with the same problem as me. Eventually the  cells became an embryo and then that embryo became a human. The human that we made though has proteus syndrome because I mutated.

This is a picture telling how proteus syndrome is contracted.

But what is proteus sydnrome? Proteus syndrome causes and overgrowth of skin, bone, muscles, fatty tissues, and blood and lymphatic vessels. At first I didn’t notice any problems with my human but then after a while my human started to develop these symptoms. It also doesn’t run in the family and is a random occurence while an egg is dividing into an embryo.

My human went to a doctor for help and he said that it could lead to premature death and that asked if it had symptoms like arthritis or muscle pain, luckily my human had none of these symptoms. He also said there are no learning disabilites related to this syndrome. The doctor said that there is no cure for the syndrome there is some treatment like rapamycin but there is no official conclusion that this helps.

my human was doing some research and I recorded some facts about Proteus syndrome. It turns out that Proteus syndrome is a type of genetic mosaicisme. There was some research done about the syndrome that points toward the condition being linked to PTEN in chromosome 10 but there is also research about it being linked to chromosome 16. Thanks for listening to my mutation story and I hope you learned something new.

Also I have the sources of where my human did there research:


Part 2:

The questions that I had to ask were: What causes Proteus syndrome? How does proteus syndrome affect you? What is the treatment for Proteus syndrome? What are some facts about Proteus Syndrome?The digital tools I used were websites because they are easy to use and access.The process I used was that I did researcg and then I tried to answer the questions and fulfill the criteria at the same time.I verified the websites because one of them was a trusted website and the other was a .gov website. I think I did a good job completing this assignment but what I would do better is that I would have aswered the question first and then added more to fulfill the criteria.

-Kristian G