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Category: English 9
A Mountain Journey Questions
Mountain Journey questions
1. He was out in the wilderness collecting furs from animals because he was a trapper.
2. When he decides not to rest under the tree and not make a fire. He admits himself that it was a mistake.
3. His first mistake was to not stop and make a fire. His second was when his fingers got wet and he decided to keep going. His third mistake was to go to the cabin. It would all have been prevented if he had stopped under the tree.
4. The exposition is that Dave Conroy is a trapper that is traveling through a forest during a cold winter night. The complicating incident is that he decides not to stop under the tree. The rising action is that Dave Conroy falls through the ice and gets his fingers wet. The second is that he didn’t make it to the cabin because it had burned down. The third is that he can’t light the match to make a fire and he drops it. The climax is that he falls asleep. The falling action is him halucinating.
5. It’s a cold winter night in a forest that is located somewhere near northern Alberta. If it wasn’t cold or winter Dave would have lived. The theme is to not go against what you know is right just to speed things up.
6. The open door to the cottage represents the door to heaven.