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When I started this project I wasn’t sure where to start, but I decided that I would just start with the lettering and figure out the rest while I was doing that. My original plan for the lettering was to use the same aspect ratio for every letter but I soon found out that the some letters would look weird. I decided I would do a different aspect ratio for each letter but try and have them all have the same thickness. I also did the letters in ‘Christmas’ a little bit smaller than ‘Merry’ because there are more letters. I thought that the letters R and S would be the hardest letters to do, but actually the only hard letter was R because I had to do it with two different ratios because the letters in Christmas were smaller. For the S I planned out what to do before I did anything on the graph and it made the letter a lot easier to do. At this point I realized I needed to use function notation which I didn’t even realize you could do in Desmos. I didn’t really want to go back and change what I had already done so I then tried to incorporate function notation into my graph at this point, but I couldn’t really find a way where it was useful. I had already gotten used to just copying and pasting my previous functions and then transforming them from there. Utilizing function notation was kind of annoying because I had to set up the function and it didn’t help to make the project any easier, nevertheless I still used it because I had to. For the letters I used only linear and quadratic functions, so I made sure to use all the required functions while I made my self portrait. I didn’t find it very difficult to find ways to incorporate these functions into my portrait because you can make a lot of useful shapes with them. I didn’t really need any help for this project. The only thing I didn’t know how to do was fill in parts of the graph, but all i had to do was google it and it was not that difficult to do. I was also disappointed with how few colours there were to choose from. After finishing this project, I didn’t really learn much or become any better at graphing. I also felt as if my time could be better used studying for the final exam.