In this picture there are Jews celebrating their release from the Nazi Concentration camps.
Explanation: I wrote the following poem based on my interpretation of the journal entry by Charles V. Ferree from his experiences liberating the concentration camps during WWII. I extracted nouns, verbs and adjectives, in order to find the tone of the poem. I then wrote the poem as a tribute to those men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that I can live in a country with freedom. The poem is based on troops liberating concentration camps during WWII, which housed the corpses and remains of countless Jewish souls.”
9th Air Force Lieutenant,
From France into Germany,
Dispatched into Buchenwald,
Landing on a makeshift airstrip,
The smells were nauseating,
The scene was indescribable,
Next into Munich on April 29th,
We looked for a safe spot to land,
When we landed,
We were taken to Dachau,
It was so much worse,
Skeletal bodies and naked corpses,
An unimaginable site,
Soldiers sorted through bodies,
But in the end,
They all died anyway