Week7 Math10

Factoring For square 1, we have to find a GCF(Great Common Factor) at first. Then  we have to factor the equation. For this question, 16 is the GCF so, the answer will be Answer: 16(ab+2)(ab-2)   For square 2, we have to find a value of b. Constant of this equation is 24 so, 24×1,…

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Week6 Math10

Solving the area This diagram is the premises of the house. The length for the premises is 10.5m and width is 8.5m. The length for the garage is 2.5m. Calculate the area for the house. [Formula] (10.5)(8)-(6)(3)-(2.5)(2.5)=84-18-6.25=59.75 59.75m2 For this kind of question, we can solve in several ways. First one is subtracting the extra…

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Polynomial   Classifying Polynomials by The Number of Terms Monomial: A polynomial with 1 term Binomial: A polynomial with 2 terms Trinomial: A polynomial with 3 terms If the terms was more than 4, we call polynomial Degree Constant: Degree of 0 Linear: Degree of 1 Quadratic: Degree of 2 Cubic: Degree of 3 Quartic:…

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Ways to make change

Canada government was planning about an expanding pipeline but if we make this pipeline, we emit greenhouse gases and it will be contradicting at 2030 decreasing greenhouse gases plan. And also we damage a habitat for killer whale. From these reasons first people disagree for this plan. I think this change was positive to society…

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Benefits for current electoral system are the people can vote for the representative that we agree for there opinions and more easier to reference the opinions to the politics. Drawbacks for current electoral system is the young people are not interested at politics so, it is hard to hear the opinions from them. I think…

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Week4 Math10

Calculate angle and length Tools for calculating angle and length are SOH   CAH   TOA  Triangle=180 a^+b^=c^ If the question was asking for the nearest tenth, we should answer the decimal number too. We have to use a shift button in calculator when we move a Sine or Cosine or Tangent over the equal….

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Sine Cosine Tangent

Sine ratio= opposite divide by hypotenuse Cosine ratio=adjacent divide by hypotenuse Tangent ratio= opposite divide by adjacent This means opposite side is 80% of hypotenuse, adjacent is 60% of hypotenuse and opposite side is 133% of adjacent. Hypotenuse has to be the most biggest at every time.    

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Legislative&Executive Branches

Senate has authority to give advice and consent to prime minister. All people in senate is chosen by prime minister.   In this picture, the voters have a opinion but, senate is not working so they won`t tell the opinion of voters to prime minister for advice. Voters are getting angry about they are not…

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There is three laws for calculating power. ・Multiplication Law ・Division Law ・Power Law Multiplication happens inside the bracket, and power happens outside  the bracket.

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Foundations of Canadian Government

For representative democracy, we choose a representative that we agree with there opinion , and  for constitution monarchy, the constitution protect an autocracy to save people life. They have a parliament to make a comfortable society for parliamentary system. These can protect from an autocracy.  

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